Thursday, October 8, 2009

Low Impact Living Initiative

Here's the first in the new series of blogs... a link to the Low Impact Living Initiative. It aims to help people to lower their impact on the environment.

It gives some no-nonsense advice about places to start, instructions, a forum to ask questions, and lots of links and information.

Quaker week and the Quaker Centre

This week is Quaker week, a time for turning ourselves outwards and promoting the Quaker way to people outside our meetings. Many meetings have open days or hold events during this week.

This year is different, because the Quaker Centre has opened at Friends House and is hosting events to celebrate Quaker week. The picture above shows the worship roomin the Quaker centre. I did a shift as a vounteer on Monday and Wednesday afternoon at the centre, and will be there again on Friday.

It occurred to me as I was reading one of my favourite blogs - boingboing - this morning, that I could do a number of things in the real world and the virtual world to celebrate Quaker week. The first thing I am going to do is to start posting here about things which may interest Quakers. Items on living simply, truth and integrity, social justice, silent worship.

The second thing I am going to do is to set up a regular event in SL for Quaker questions and answers.